A.A. Taste Awards - Special Jury
A.A. Taste Awards - Three Stars
A.A. Taste Awards - Two Stars

2020 A.A. Taste Awards ceremony
Dear ALL,
On behalf of A.A. Taste Awards team, it is our pleasure inviting you to attend A.A. Taste Awards ceremony plus the business matching and give a speech for celebrating a major milestone in food system.
In the past few months, the judge panel have reviewed hundreds of restaurants and food products from cities all over the world, including Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, the Netherlands and so on. After a long judging process, the final decision has been made and the finalists and honorees will be announced in the International conference room of the FOODEX, which is one of the significant food exhibition in Asia. Please kindly check the details of the ceremony as follows,
Date: 12th March, 2020
Time: 10:00 - 16:00
Place: International conference room of the MAKUHARI MESSE, Japan
Our VIP guest are included the Embassies, Board of Investment and Tourism Authorities from countries which mentioned above. VIP guest shall be interviewed by arranged several media guests such as Asahi News, The Sankei News, TOKYO News, and Post Today.
We are looking forward to receiving your reply by 31st Jan, 2020 through the online registration form.
It’s always welcome to contact us by mail to info@anti-a.org if you are willing to be part of this event or any great idea to share.
Best regards,
A.A. Taste Awards Team

2020 A.A. 美食獎典禮 Taste Awards Ceremony
地點:日本丸久MESSE國際會議室我們的VIP客人包括上述國家的大使館,投資和旅遊局委員會。 VIP貴賓將接受朝日新聞,產經新聞,東京新聞和今日郵報等多家媒體的採訪。
最好的祝福, A.A.品味獎團隊

Asia Mildstone discovering in 2o18
The A.A. Taste Awards ceremony invited the many guests, Dr. Bernard Chan Pak-li of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau(CEDB) Hong Kong, Ms. Wong On Ki, Angel of the Hong Kong Information Services Department, Brand Executive, Mr Jonas Kronen, the representative of the Deutsches Generalkonsulat in Hong Kong, to give the honor to the winners. Many global winners are recognized by this awards.

A.A. 品味獎頒獎典禮邀請了眾多嘉賓,即香港商務及經濟發展局(CEDB)的陳百利博士,香港新聞服務署天使王黃安琪女士,品牌執行官Jonas Kronen先生, Deutsches Generalkonsulat在香港的代表,向獲獎者頒獎。 該獎項認可了許多全球獲獎者。

台灣A.A.培力講座 x 小村子 新竹食農創客 【奔跑吧小食神,做出無添加健康好喝的味增湯】
✎A.A.Awards x #小村子mamateamup in 千甲社區CSA農場
Little chef! with chef #林勃攸 learn how to cook #additivefree#misosoup.
Mothers can take a child together to know the plants, play with the sheep, spend a happy day together.
✎ 奔跑吧!小食神,與主廚林勃攸一起做出好喝又健康的 #無添加味增湯!由A.A.培力講座與 小村子 mama team up共同舉辦在 千甲社區CSA農場 媽媽們可以帶著小食神們認識香草植物、與羊兒玩耍,共同度過一個充實的一天!
【A.A.培力 x 小村子】5/23 奔跑吧!小食神,做出無添加健康好喝的味增湯
![A.A. Peili Lecture x Small Village Hsinchu Food Farmer Maker [Run a small food god, make healthy and delicious miso soup]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e0e1d15dcd662506441ff4b/1580726638217-GZTKCTRD4PMMPC3SDTII/IMG_0244.jpg)
A.A. Peili Lecture x Small Village Hsinchu Food Farmer Maker [Run a small food god, make healthy and delicious miso soup]
✎A.A.Awards x #小村子mamateamup in 千甲社區CSA農場
Little chef! with chef #林勃攸 learn how to cook #additivefree#misosoup.
Mothers can take a child together to know the plants, play with the sheep, spend a happy day together.
✎ Run it! Little food god, together with chef Lin Boyou to make a delicious and healthy #No added miso soup! A.A. Peili lecture and small village mama team up co-hosted at the CSA Farm in Qianjia Community. Moms can bring little food gods to know the vanilla plants, play with sheep, and spend a fulfilling day together! Sign up for the next one🔜
[A.A. Peili x Xiaocun] 5/23 Let's run! Snack God, make healthy and delicious miso soup

台灣A.A. 培力講座 X 小村子 新竹食農食育小學堂 - 【PIZZA裡的蕃茄醬】
✎See the children can learn while playing and eat. Is our greatest joy and a sense of success! A.A.培力講座與小村子 mama team up 出發到新竹 #舊社國小 ,與小朋友們一起互動並製作好吃的 #無添加番茄雞肉披薩,看見小朋友們能邊學邊玩又吃得飽飽的就是我們最大的歡樂與成就感了!
【A.A.培力 x 小村子】5/18 新竹舊社國小 自己動手做無添加的番茄雞肉 #Pizza
![A.A. Peli Lecture X Small Village Hsinchu Food Farmers Food Education Elementary School-[PIZZA in tomato sauce]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e0e1d15dcd662506441ff4b/1580725608645-CVR8BKGPYS7GVVD981LH/%E6%AA%94%E6%A1%88_001.jpg)
A.A. Peli Lecture X Small Village Hsinchu Food Farmers Food Education Elementary School-[PIZZA in tomato sauce]
✎See the children can learn while playing and eat. Is our greatest joy and a sense of success! AA Peili lecture and small village mama team up set off to Hsinchu #Old She Elementary School, interact with the children and make delicious ## No added tomato chicken pizza, I saw that children can eat while they are learning It is our greatest joy and accomplishment!
[A.A. Peili x Xiaocun] 5/18 Hsinchu Jiushe Elementary School Do-it-yourself-free tomato chicken #Pizza

Focusing 2017 Fresh Cuisine Stars
Bangkok Thailand, March 23, 2018 –The Anti Additive Association held its 2017 Awards Ceremony at the Westin Grande Sukhumvit Bangkok, Thailand on March 23rd, 2018, honoring businesses that promote and produce wholesome additive-free food in the Asia Pacific region.

Lights up 2016
Inaugural International Anti-Additive Awards announces its Asia Pacific winners 22 February, Sydney Australia: The Anti-Additive Association hosted its 2016 award ceremony in Australia, honouring businesses that promote and produce wholesome additive-free food in the Asia Pacific region.